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The Brains vs AI battle between four poker pros and Libratus, a supercomputer bot, lasting 20 days came to a close with Libratus crushing the human players. The competition was set up in conjunction with Carnegie Melon University School of Computer Sciences and Libratus creator Noam Brown.

Thousands watched Twitch as the bot destroyed the players, each in a different way. While humanity decidedly lost to machine – 1,766,250 chips – poker came out on top gaining mainstream news coverage and generating its own meme. Outlets like Newsweek, Vice and the Guardian all covered the challenge.

Perhaps the most entertaining for hardcore poker fans was the parody Twitter account @botsaintloyal. It assumed the voice of Libratus trolling the competitors and the poker community.


 Dive into some message boards and one might think that AI is starting to take over the world. We here at Poker Central welcome our new AI overlords.

Doug Polk joined the Poker Central Podcast with Remko and Brent to talk a number of things, including the Brains vs. AI Challenge.