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While a tweet or two might let fans into their favorite poker player’s heads, it’s usually just for a brief moment thanks to a 140-character limit. Instagram has no such boundaries and this week brought some pictures across our timeline that were all worth more than a thousand words.
Does anyone live better than Sam Abernathy? The poker pro was hanging out and playing with Steve Aoki and Dan Bilzerian earlier this week, before jet setting off to Australia to try to make a second straight Aussie Millions Main Event final table. We won’t get into what ‘World Record’ Bilzerian tried to have the world break but let’s just say him and Aoki probably had more fun with the gag than Sam did.
Most of the year, Dan O’Brien can be found playing at a variety of stops across the country. During the winter months, not so much. O’Brien hits Tahoe every year and this past week, nearly five feet of snow had the entire town out of power but covered in powder. What do you do when that happens? Obviously hit the streets.
There are some things that you just can’t unsee. This #throwbackthursday picture from an ESPN Body Issue is one of those things. Who thought of this? Who took this photo? Who let this go to print? Who is sitting at the other end of the table!? I have so many questions.
For the last two years, the MLB Players Trust has run a charity poker tournament at the MGM Grand and last night, the organization returned to Las Vegas. Bryce Harper, who is from ‘Sin City’, co-hosted the event and had the opportunity to play with one of poker’s greats, Poker Central Ambassador Antonio Esfandiari.
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