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Season 4 marked a change in course for Poker After Dark, fully embracing the youth movement happening in 2008. The first episodes of “$100K Cash Game” saw Tom Dwan make his PAD debut and “Nets vs Vets”, just released on PokerGO, brought Dwan, Andrew Robl and Brian Townsend to face off against Johnny Chan, Huck Seed and Doyle Brunson.
Commentator Ali Nejad pointed out that Brunson was older than Dwan, Robl and Townsend combined. In fact, Brunson had six World Series of Poker bracelets by the time Townsend, the oldest of the three, was born in 1982.
A shockingly young Andrew Robl made his first PAD appearance.
Townsend tried to get creative against Brunson by opening under the gun with 9c 7c and the Super/System author found two red aces behind him. Brunson called, Dwan joined the pot with pocket fives and Townsend paired his nine on the flop. He led out and Brunson raised him half his stack to force a fold
Doyle wasn’t going anywhere with pocket aces.
Brunson and Dwan negotiated a prop bet on the field size the $25,000 Bellagio Five Diamond that year. They attempted to play Rock, Scissors, Paper but it took the two three tries before their timing lined up and Doyle beat Dwan with rock over scissors.
“Haha, I got leveled so hard there,” Dwan said. “I’ll say 388.”
Brunson snap took the over. “Really?,” Dwan asked. “Did I just blow $100?”
Dwan did get hustled as 545 players entered that event, David Chiu took it down for $3.3 million and the event boasted a $13 million prize pool. Losing the $100 was softened as Dwan would go on to finish ninth in that event for $184,670.
The “Nets vs Vets” episodes of Poker After Dark are available exclusively on PokerGO, found in The Vault. The new Poker After Dark wrapped up three nights of live action for “Voices Carry” that saw Matt Berkey, Ben Lamb and Liv Boeree score wins.
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