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WSOP Main Event Day 7 Coverage Live on PokerGO
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
The internet wasn’t around when Ferris Bueller gave everyone the perfect high school yearbook quote but his words are just as powerful today as they were in the late 80’s. The internet, more often than not, moves faster than life itself and while we’re sure we missed some of it, these were our favorites from the past week.
There is dad strength, dad bods and what I like to call dad talk. That’s when fathers, sometimes on purpose, call things that are common knowledge to millennials the wrong name. My dad does it, your dad does it and Bill Belichick does it too. After hearing Belichick on a radio show this week, it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t care for social media, “SnapFace” or “InstaChat”. Save for six Super Bowl rings, my dad and Bill Belichick aren’t that different.
#ItsMorphinTime! ? Watch the NEW official #PowerRangersMovie trailer now – In theaters March 24.
— Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) January 19, 2017
MIGHTY. MORPHIN. POWER. RANGERS. I don’t know if this movie is going to be any good and to be honest, I don’t even know the *story* behind the Power Rangers. What I do know is that growing up, I didn’t want to be a fireman, I didn’t want to be a doctor, I didn’t want to be an astronaut, I wanted to be the Red Ranger. It’s not too late to still do that, right?
When I was 17, a few months before I got my license my mom asked me what kind of car I might be interested in driving. That was an easy choice, Volkswagen Bus. Alas, I ended up with what I kept telling myself was the next best thing, a Honda Element. Nine years later, I finally have a chance to right those high school wrongs, as VW just revealed a concept car based on the iconic Type II Microbus. Who knows when, or if, this concept will actually be put into production but hopefully it’s before 2020, because I need this for Las Vegas Raiders tailgates.
Westbrook on the Pachulia incident: “I’m gonna get his ass back for that one.”
— Royce Young (@royceyoung) January 19, 2017
Russell Westbrook might not have won the battle against Zaza Pachulia but my god I’m betting on him to win the war. Westbrook always has that fire of a thousand suns passion about him but I’ve never actually felt that heat radiate from my computer screen. His post-game comments about “getting his ass back” made me a little nervous and if I was Pachulia, the minute I heard “Straight up.”, I’d be in line filing for witness protection.
A 2017 version of NBA Jam? Shut up and take my money!
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WSOP Main Event Day 7 Coverage Live on PokerGO